UT Gardens’ January Plant of the Month Submitted by Holly Jones, horticulturist and kitchen garden manager, UT Gardens, Knoxville Thanks to the work of agricultural researchers at Oregon State University,…
Test the Tetsukabuto Winter Squash Variety in Your Garden
From Alaska to Tennessee, Weeping Blue Alaskan Cedar Stands Out in Landscape
UT Gardens’ December Plant of the Month Submitted by James Newburn, managing director, UT Gardens, Knoxville Would a plant native to Alaska be able to survive in Tennessee? The answer…
Poison? No, Sumac Is the Antidote for Hot Parched Sites
UT Gardens’ November Plant of the Month Submitted by Carol Reese, retired UT Extension horticulture specialist Sumac! Their eyes are wide that I would recommend it for any landscape! This…
Choose Cherokee Sedge for a Spot in Your Sustainable Garden and Lawn
UT Gardens’ October Plant of the Month Submitted by Holly Jones, horticulturist, UT Gardens, Knoxville Garden styles that support biodiversity are gaining popularity. According to a 2021 survey conducted by…
Select One of the Many Species of Gaillardia for an Easy-to-Grow Perennial
UT Gardens’ September Plant of the Month Submitted by Karen Caspary, volunteer coordinator and horticulturist, UT Gardens, Knoxville The blanketflower is a dazzling little plant that is easy to grow,…
Grow Some Sunshine in Your Garden with a New Calylophus
UT Gardens’ August Plant of the Month Submitted by Jason Reeves, horticulturist at the UT Gardens, Jackson It is not often a new genus goes mainstream. In 2021, we received…
Tall Verbena Attracts Butterflies and Other Pollinators
Submitted by Shalena Durkot, garden coordinator at the UT Gardens, Crossville Pollinator plants are a hot commodity, and who doesn’t want to attract beautiful butterflies to their garden? While there…
‘Silver Stitch’: Resilient in Summer Sun and Drought
Submitted by Andy Pulte, Distinguished Lecturer and Director, Department of Plant Sciences There are a lot of helichrysum in the world, perhaps as many as 600 species. One of my…
Heat-Loving Heliotrope Flourishes in Hot Summers
UT Gardens’ May Plant of the Month Submitted by Celeste Scott, Area Horticulture Specialist, UT Extension In 2021, we trialed Heliotrope Augusta® Lavender at the UT Gardens, Jackson, for the…
Thailand Giant Elephant Ear Will Get All Your Neighbors Talking and Gawking
UT Gardens’ April Plant of the Month Submitted by Jason Reeves, horticulturist at the University of Tennessee Gardens, Jackson With leaves nearly as big as kiddie swimming pools by late…