Gather herbs and flowers for drying and preserving. The best time to gather herbs for drying is during the mid-morning hours, just after the dew has dried off the herbs,…
August #15 (Outdoor)
August #14 (Outdoor)
Every weed that produces seed means more trouble next year. Don’t give in to the heat, and control weeds before they go to seed. Do not add weeds with mature…
August #14 (Outdoor)
To reduce the number of pests on your fruit trees for the coming year, pick and destroy all fallen
August #13 (Outdoor)
Photograph your garden to help yourself remember what you did and did not like this year. See what works and what doesn’t. In winter, you will be able to determine…
August #12 (Outdoor)
During dry spells, continue to mow the lawn on the high-level setting.
August #11 (Outdoor)
Avoid fertilizing most trees and shrubs from August to November. Fertilize roses one last time to encourage new growth and late summer/early fall flowers.
August #10 (Outdoor)
To encourage another flush of flowers on your chaste tree (Vitex) cut the seed pods off as the flowers fade
August #9 (Outdoor)
Avoid pruning trees and shrubs starting in late August, particularly hedging plants such as boxwood, hemlock, and hollies, as doing so this late in the season can stimulate new growth…
August #8 (Outdoor)
Order spring-flowering bulbs in August and September to be planted in October and November.
August #7 (Outdoor)
Autumn crocus (Colchicum sp.) bulbs should be ordered now and planted soon after they arrive for a beautiful fall display. They are sometimes available at garden centers, but more often…