Barrenwort (Epimedium) and Lungwort (Pulmonaria) will be in flower soon. Cut back last year’s foliage before new growth appears.
February #2 (Outdoor)
February #1 (Outdoor)
Bluebirds are already looking for a place to nest, so clean out your birdhouse soon. If you are in need of a good bluebird house, check out Homes for Bluebirds,…
February #1 (Indoor)
Sow broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage seed indoors now or buy transplants in March. Harden them off before planting out in March.
UT Gardens’ January 2020 Plant of the Month: Silky Dogwood
January #6 (Indoor)
Study seed catalogs if the cold days of winter seem unrelenting, and dream of lush, warmer days.
January #5 (Outdoor)
Pansies will benefit if you pinch off their withered and cold-damaged blooms.
January #5 (Indoor)
Keep a check on stored garden produce such as potatoes, turnips, winter squash, apples and pears for bad spots that may lead to decay. Remove them and use those with…
January #4 (Outdoor)
As long as the ground is not frozen, you can continue to plant new trees and shrubs, just tuck them in with a 2- or 3-inch layer of mulch. Remember…
January #4 (Indoor)
For some added color and fragrance during the bleak days on January and February, check out your local garden center for leftover paperwhite and amaryllis bulbs that are likely to…
January #3 (Outdoor)
Avoid using salt to melt snow and ice from your walks and driveway, as it can be harmful to your plants. Several environmentally friendly products are available at home improvement…