Try the annual moon vine, Ipomoea alba, this year to attract sphinx moths to your garden. Nick the hard seed coat carefully with nail clippers and soak in water overnight…
April #7 (Outdoor)
April #6 (Outdoor)
You can direct seed easy-to-grow flowering annuals and vegetables. Some easy flowers to grow from seed include marigold, zinnia, sunflowers and cosmos. Beans, peas, corn and okra are some easy…
April #4 (Outdoor)
Kerria japonica, also known as Japanese kerria or yellow rose of Texas, often has dead branches. Follow them to the base to cut them. Remove older branches the same way…
April #5 (Outdoor)
Azaleas often show symptoms of lace bug and spider mite infestations during the hot months of summer. This damage can be prevented by a onetime early application of the systemic…
April #3 (Outdoor)
A good option for Loropetalums that have outgrown their space is to tree-form them. They can easily be limbed up by removing lower branches.
Plant Osmanthus Now, Enjoy It this Fall
April #2 (Outdoor)
Prune spring-flowering shrubs (azaleas, flowering quince, Forsythia and Loropetalum) soon after they finish flowering, but only if they need it. Selectively cut old or unruly branches by reaching deeply into…
April #1 (Outdoor)
Look for some of the exciting new cultivars of Hydrangea arborescens, such as Incrediball and Invincibelle Spirit. Invincibelle Spirit is a new pink form that takes a few years to…
March #8 (Outdoor)
Climbing roses should not be pruned until after their first flush of growth. Now is a good time to tie the canes to a support before they flush out with…
March #7 (Outdoor)
March is a good time to shop for and add lungwort (Pulmonaria) and Lenten rose (Helleborus) to your garden. Lungwort is an early flowering shade perennial that often struggles in…