Cut chrysanthemum and other perennials’ stems back close to the ground once they have begun to die back. Leave ornamental grasses to provide winter interest until spring.
November #5 (Outdoor)
November #4 (Outdoor)
Reduce peony botrytis blight and hollyhock rust by removing and disposing all leaves and stems this fall. Roses should have all their leaves raked from beneath to prevent black spot.…
November #3 (Outdoor)
Mulch existing trees and shrubs to help reduce weeds, provide insulation from freezing temperatures, and conserve moisture.
November #2 (Outdoor)
Check newly planted evergreen plants regularly during the winter to ensure they are getting enough water.
November #1 (Outdoor)
It’s an ideal time to plant or transplant trees, shrubs and fruit crops. Be sure to water well and add a good 3- to 4-inch layer of mulch to new…
October #14 (Outdoor)
Warm-season ornamental grasses such as Miscanthus and fountain grass (Pennisetum) resent being dug, divided and replanted in the fall. It is best to wait until early spring. As a general…
October #13 (Outdoor)
October is the preferred time to plant ornamental kale, Swiss chard, and pansies. These plants are lovely additions to the fall and winter landscape. Plus, they are edible. Look for…
October #12 (Outdoor)
Remember that seasonal mums are more valuable as compost than as “keep-around plants,” after they’ve faded and split. Don’t be tempted to plant them! Even if they establish, they rarely…
October #11 (Outdoor)
To make leaf removal less of a chore, rake them before they accumulate deeply. If you have a fescue lawn or moss garden, it is even more important to keep…
October #10 (Outdoor)
Pick off any bagworms from your plants to help eliminate the eggs that will hatch next year. Dispose of them in the garbage, not the compost, or they may hatch…