The best time to harvest most herbs is just before flowering. This time is when the leaves contain the maximum essential oils.
June #4 (Outdoor)
June #5 (Outdoor)
Daylilies are in peak bloom in June. It is a good time to buy new daylily selections for your garden to ensure you get the color you desire. Visit a…
June #3 (Outdoor)
Trim back catmint (Nepeta) after its first flush of flowers to promote new growth and a second flush of blooms.
June #2 (Outdoor)
During the hot summer months, mulch can be especially useful for conserving water. Consider mulching your vegetable garden as well as your ornamentals. The mulch not only helps conserve moisture,…
June #1 (Outdoor)
Just because it’s almost summer doesn’t mean it is too late to plant annuals. I often don’t get my annuals at home into the ground until late June. Plants such…