This page provides information about our mobile mapping experience that can be saved to your smartphone for easy access while visiting UT Gardens, Knoxville (no downloads required).
Either here or in the Gardens, scan the QR code with your smartphone’s camera to open the mobile website. You can also use this link to open it.

Need more directions to access our mobile platform? Follow the steps below to find out how to open it and save it to your home screen.

Click the link or scan the QR code above to open the UT Gardens, Knoxville mobile mapping experience.
Once it opens in your browser (as seen on the left), you may use the full mobile experience there. You can also save it to your home screen. To do so, continue following these instructions.
To add a shortcut to our mobile mapping experience to your home screen on an iPhone, click the box with the arrow pointing upwards. On the image to the left, this box is at the center of the bottom row of icons in blue.
Clicking that button will open up a list of actions. Select “Add to Home Screen”, which is designated by a square with a plus sign (+) inside it. Next, on the “Add to Home Screen” page, click “Add” on the top right of the screen. This action will create a shortcut to the website on your home screen as seen in the image on the far right.

Once the shortcut has been added to your home screen, you will be able to access the experience anytime. It will automatically update; there are no downloads required!
We hope you enjoy the experience and would love your feedback. Send us a note at to share your thoughts.